I decided give in to my addiction and give it its own digital space... Sorry, I don't remember where I got them all from, but if you really want to know, you could go searching in the archives of my Blog...

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:: Friday, July 05, 2002 ::
Heh heh heh...

How random are you?

this quiz was made by alanna

:: Ravenwolf 6:40 PM :: {~X~} ::

:: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 ::
Hrmm. I would have expected someone else, but he's cool.

click to take it!

When it comes to being mysterious, that's what you do best. You like to leave others puzzled and speak in riddles. You're not out there for the fame and fortune, you're just being yourself, doing what you do best. You're strong and courageous, and you're always the leader of the pack. You're skillful; people respect you, and you respect people.

:: Ravenwolf 6:02 PM :: {~X~} ::

:: Monday, July 01, 2002 ::

Excellent! Got this one first because I answered "yes" to the the "are you the real Chaikovksy" question:

If I were a Dead Russian Composer, I would be Pyotr Chaikovsky.

I AM the Real Chaikovsky! Considered by most Westerners to be the greatest Russian composer of all, most late 19th Century Russians think I'm actually too Westernized in my musical tendencies. Despite this criticism, as well as the flak I had to take for my preference of Y-chromosomes, my ballets "The Nutcracker" and "Swan Lake" are upheld as among the greatest and most popular pieces of all time.

Who would you be? Dead Russian Composer Personality Test

And I got this answer when I switched my answer from "yes" to "vodka" on the "are you the real Chaikovsky" question:

If I were a Dead Russian Composer, I would be Sergei Rakhmaninov.

I lived in the early Twentieth Century and was well known for my compositional, conducting, and piano skills, yet I am melancholy despite this talent. My famous works include my nearly-impossible piano concerti.

Who would you be? Dead Russian Composer Personality Test

:: Ravenwolf 2:00 AM :: {~X~} ::


What Simpsons Character Are You?

Take the quiz here!

:: Ravenwolf 1:55 AM :: {~X~} ::